State Agreement Electoral College

In the United States, the president is not elected solely by popular vote. Instead, the president is chosen by the Electoral College, a body of electors appointed by each state. Each state is allocated a certain number of electors based on its representation in Congress, and in most states, the winner of the popular vote for that state receives all of its electoral votes.

However, some states have entered into a state agreement called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC). This agreement, which has been adopted by 15 states and the District of Columbia, would require the electors from those states to vote for the candidate who wins the national popular vote, regardless of who wins their state`s popular vote.

The NPVIC would only go into effect if enough states joined to make up a majority of the Electoral College (270 out of 538 total votes). So far, the states that have joined the compact make up 196 electoral votes.

Proponents of the NPVIC argue that it would ensure that the candidate who wins the majority of the popular vote would become president, as has been the case in every other election in the United States. They also argue that it would incentivize candidates to campaign in all states, not just swing states, since every vote would count toward the national popular vote.

Opponents of the NPVIC argue that it would take power away from individual states and their voters, and that it could potentially lead to disputed elections if the national popular vote is close and there are recounts or other challenges. They also argue that it could lead to a situation where candidates only campaign in heavily populated areas, ignoring rural and less populous states.

Regardless of one`s view on the NPVIC, it is clear that the issue of electoral college reform will remain a topic of discussion and debate in the United States. As the country becomes more politically polarized, it is possible that more states will join the NPVIC or pursue other avenues for electoral college reform.