When reading through a contract, you may come across the term “DBA” and wonder what it means. In business and legal documents, DBA stands for “doing business as.” This term is most often used when a person, partnership or corporation conducts business under a name other than its legal name. In short, a DBA is a fictitious name under which a business operates.
A DBA is also known as an assumed name, trade name, or fictitious business name. It does not change the legal structure of the business. Instead, it is an alternative name that the business uses for marketing, advertising, and conducting business transactions. By filing a DBA, a business can legally use a name other than its legal name.
DBAs are commonly used by sole proprietors or small businesses that want to operate under a different name than their personal or legal name. For example, John Doe might register his business as “John Doe Enterprises” but conduct his business under the name “Doe`s Home Repairs”. In this case, John Doe would file a DBA with the appropriate state or local government agency, which allows him to conduct business under the fictitious name “Doe`s Home Repairs.”
When a business files a DBA, it must comply with state and local regulations. This may include registering with the appropriate government agency and paying a fee. In some states, businesses are required to publish a notice in a local newspaper announcing the use of a DBA.
It is important to note that a DBA does not provide any legal protection. It does not create a separate legal entity or provide limited liability protection. Instead, a DBA is simply a way for a business to use a different name for its operations and marketing purposes.
In summary, if you come across the term “DBA” in a contract, it is referring to a fictitious name that a business may use when conducting business under a name other than its legal name. It is important to understand the implications of a DBA and the regulations that must be followed when using one. If in doubt, it is always best to seek legal advice.